About Christ Church

The Community of Christ Church

Intentionally Inclusive - Deliberately Diverse




At Christ Church we are particularly pleased to be a diverse community where everyone can find a welcoming smile and can join with others in the worship of God, enjoying acceptance and friendship, and expressing the Gospel through care and concern for our neighbours, both locally and beyond.


In our busy world of 24 hour working and the internet, society has changed and it is becoming increasingly difficult for people of different backgrounds to meet together to mix and share activities. 


Within Christ Church, toddlers and octogenarians, teenagers and professionals, people with disability, single people and couples and many different people with a variety of skills, enthusiasms, and talents join together in worship. All are valued, and all sorts of people of different backgrounds, experiences, and circumstances, come together in harmony.


Children and young people are welcome, and we support them with a range of activities. 


We benefit from different Music styles so that a traditional Choral style is complemented by a more modern worship. We may sing something from the Classical or Wesleyan tradition one week, and from Taize or Malawi the next. If you have musical talent or aspirations you will be very welcome to join the Choir.  We also have a very successful children's choir - Semiquavers - for young singers over the age of 6.  Semiquavers are often in demand to sing at community events in Gravesend and further afield. 


On the second Saturday of each month there is a working party which undertakes cleaning and maintenance tasks. If you like DIY, this might be where you can contribute to the life of the Church. Not only does this do good and necessary work around the building and the grounds, it saves us money. Above all, it has become a very popular social occasion where you can meet and work with fellow members of the congregation and get to know them in another context, and perhaps find unexpected things in common.


A lively Mothers' Union group has a varied programme of speakers and social activities during the year.  Once a month Mustard Seed meets over tea and cakes - an opportunity to meet friends and make new friends.


At various times of the year we welcome to our special services War Veterans,  and local Schools.


Christ Church has an excellent hall with a small kitchen, which is available for hire to community groups. Various local organisations already meet there and are always glad to see new members. 


We value our own tradition, but we are not inward looking. Christ Church is an active part of the East Gravesend Cluster of Churches: 4 local Anglican churches who support one another and share resources wherever practicable.


We raise funds to support a number of other good causes throughout the year  - and we have a special link with Christian Aid.


There is much else quietly happening as people give of their talent; organising our fundraising, serving in the sanctuary, running the administration, the website, cleaning or gardening, producing the magazine, photographing the events, teaching the young, driving those with mobility difficulties, and baptismal visiting.


In these and many other ways Christ Church sets out to place itself at the heart of our community. Do come and be part of it. You will be welcome.





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