Mothers Union


Christ Church Mothers’ Union are part of the largest women’s organisation in the world. We have over twenty members who meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm, in the Church Hall, for talks, discussions and socials.


Christ Church Milton - next - Gravesend Mothers’ Union are part of this grassroots charity with over four million members in over 80 countries world-wide. The Mothers’ Union works alongside local communities through its membership. By understanding the needs of individuals and communities, we are able to build effective polices for change.

Our aims are to :

* Strengthen communities all over the world]

* Help the most disadvantage at home

* Shape how we advocate for the rights of families

* Build supportive, loving relationships

* Develop your own relationship with God Christ Church Mothers’ Union welcomes members and also non members to join us at our monthly meetings and events throughout the year.

We take an active part in the life of our church and organise collections of gifts for children of prisoners at Rochester Prison, Table Top Sales, make knitted items for the Mission to Seamen and much more. We have a yearly programme of events, a copy of which is placed on our notice board. We usually meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the Church Hall but also arrange days out, coffee mornings and our T@3 to raise funds to support the Mothers’ Union charities. We take part in the Annual Wave of Prayer and the Mary Sumner Day service at Rochester Cathedral.

If you would like to know more about who we are and what we do please don’t hesitate to ask Jenny Shoesmith (Branch Leader) or Reverend Jacqueline Littlewood. We are all inclusive and all are welcome to join us. Visit the Mothers’ Union website for more information.













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