Readers are trained and licenced in the Diocese to preach and to lead services. At Christ Church we have 2 licenced Readers.
Sheila Brown

Rosemary has been a Reader in Christ Church since 1999, having trained with Sheila. She became a member of the congregation in 1968 when she moved with her family from Meopham. Her father, Claude Fox, was also a Reader in Christ Church so she in continuing a fine family tradition.She has now retired after working in Christ Church Pre-school for over 20 years but she hasn’t lost touch with the children because she brings them into church once a fortnight before the 10am service on a Wednesday to sing songs and say, “Thank you” prayers. She also leads our monthly First Steps service, for Pre-school children and their carers. And what fun they all have! Rosemary continues to be a familiar face at our All Age services, our Hot Cross Bun service on Good Friday and our Crib service on Christmas Eve. There is a naughty little sheep that often keeps her company though she has to keep a close eye on him to make sure that he isn’t being too naughty!